Chez Lou Bébert Dou Garlaban

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jeudi, septembre 21 2006

bientôt le départ...

Bon je sais, ce blog est bien trop en anglais, pour quelqu'un qui vient du sud de la france et qui par conséquent porte en grande estime son parler si chantant, c'est quand même un comble! Mais le sujet de cet article n'est pas de savoir si le parler marseillais est supérieur aux autres, ça nous marseillais, nous avons déjà la réponse... mais je voulais plutôt vous faire part de mon prochain départ vers l'Inde. Et bien oui, comme j'en ai peut être parlé à certains, j'envisage de travailler en Inde pour des boites françaises dans le domaine de l'aéronautique, mais constatant que mes recherches n'ont pour l'instant que très peu abouti, j'ai décidé d'aller un peu forcer la chance et le destin en me rendant pour un mois à Bangalore, le nouveau centre écomnomique indien pour les domaines de hautes technologies comme l'informatique et l'aéronautique. Je pars donc le 3 octobre et je reviendrais vers le 11 nov, ce qui veut dors et déjà dire une sympatique soirée à mon retour pour, je l'espère féter l'obtention d'un nouveau boulot! Portes vous bien et à très bientôt ici même, je vous tiendrais au courant depuis là-bas. ;-) Pierre

mercredi, septembre 13 2006

Lou bébert dou Garlaban... what for a nickname!

Indeed that is a strange nickname but let me show you why...

First of all, you have to know that "Bébert" is in french a common nickname for names like Robert or Bertrand or... Then you were right asking me where is the link with "Pierre-André", and indeed, there is no link in between! But if you look closer to my last name, you will find out that it sounds not so far and that's the reason!

Ok nothing really amazing forthe moment, but let me show you what Garlaban is...

Have a look, that's it (the biggest behind)! this mountain, ok hill... shaped like... euh I don't know actually, but shaped like nothing else at least! ;-)

That is my Garlaban, and it just behind my family house, ok maybe 1h30 by walk... ;-) Anyway it's just where I was used to spend my afternoon while I was a kid and it's so gorgeous (ok maybe not this picture, but just come here and you will see... ;-) that I wanted to share ot with you! ;-)

See you soon in Marseille (there will be an article on that soon...)

Lou Bébert dou Garlaban!

PS : Lou = The and dou = Of in Provençal (dialect of my region!), more teaching on Provençal soon ;-)

mercredi, septembre 6 2006

I'am back...

I know, I am far away from writing news everday... you may think that there is nothing to write which could be true... or you may think that I am too foul to tell you the best stories that I have... ok it might be too... but now, after having enjoyed 3 months of holydays (and aslo search a bit for a job... ;-), I have to tell you that I am finally really going to search a job that I will like (but is it really possible???)
So I am now convinced that I would like to work in India and I am now hardly trying to find a job there which is obviously not the easiest but it doesn't seem impossible... I have now some contacts there and I continue to send application... will see how it's working... Anyway, as many friends told me, the best way to find a job there is to go there! Of course! So I'm planning to fly overthere in the next few months if I don't find anything from here...

That's all for today, I will tell you a bit more about what I did this summer and add some pictures to explain you how great it was just doing nothing around here... ;-)

have fun and see you soon!

Lou bébert!

mardi, août 8 2006

La loi DADVSI commentée...

I'm sorry, I cannot translate it... too difficult! but it's about the new french copyright law...

Lire la suite...

dimanche, juillet 16 2006

c'était un putain d'orage!

on est le 16 juillet, vers les 18h26 pm, à Marseille et je viens de vivre l'un de mes plus gros orage... Au début ça a commencé gentil puis c'est parti en orage de grêle et de plus en plus violent... Les photos ne rendent peut être pas aussi bien mais vraiment, c'était impressionant!!!

orage jardin

allez je vous en offre une autre pour le plaisir...

jardin derrière
Voilà c'est tout pour aujourd'hui! a plus tard!

samedi, juillet 15 2006

Ich hatte es gesagt...

Die WM ist jetzt fertig und wir reden noch alle darüber, midestens im Frankreich und Italia aber was wir auch nicht vergessen mussen ist die Gesellschaftreform, die dazwinschen noch weiter gegangen ist. Die Gesundheitreforme... Wir waren so beschäftig mit der WM, dass wir für diese Reform uns nicht interessiert haben... Ich hatte es gesagt! Die WMZeit ist super für alle Regierung... Und das war auch genau dasselbt hier in Frankreich. So ist es...

dimanche, juillet 2 2006

We are going to be world champion!!!

I didn't really think that the french team could manage such a match, but they did!!! The spannish though they were going to retire Zidane (sorry by the way! ;-) and he played even better tonight! I tell you, the final is going to be Germany-France... I might come back to Germany for that! (you have to understand that we are now going to win!)

Anyway, it will be funny... ;-)

Otherwise, I told a lot of people that the world championship is a benediction for every government and specially this year for the german's one, cause there are finally free to do what they want... no one will complain... and what did happen? the german government pass the bigest reform since 40 years... I explain you a bit more tomorrow... have a god night!

jeudi, juin 8 2006

here come the pictures!

So, I am sorry for the delay, but I had (and I still have...) some problems with my computer... And secondly, I have no time for me here in Marseille... to give you an idea... I am leaving in 10 minutes to go to the sea... ;-)
So as you can see, the small pictures on the left are sometimes black, I don't know why but if you click on you will see the picture... so please enjoy it, I will try to write more the next week...
See you! ;-)

lundi, mai 29 2006

Vielen Dank!

Ja, also ich bedanke dich an alle, die zu die Party gekommen sind.
Es kommt bald Bilder davon, aber leider fonctionniert das noch nicht...

Ich wünsche euch ein sonige Tag,
bis dann

mardi, mai 23 2006

Au revoir...

flyer party 26th mai arheilgen

There even a flyer for the party! So now you cannot say that you didn't know... ;-)
So the concept is as usual to come with a smile and to bring also some drinks as your convenance.

It should start around 21h...
And last thing, to come to arheilgen with the tramway, it's the number 7 or 8 and the stop is "Fuchsstrasse", then you just have to walk a bit and you are arrive, just come in, the ringing bell is not working! ;-)

See you!

vendredi, mai 19 2006

Photos du Jura

mercredi, mai 10 2006

Farewell party on the 26th of mai!!!

As you may know, I will leave Darmstadt in a couple of weeks. (sniff... please don't cry! ;-)

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